What To Expect During A Service

We establish our pattern of worship from what we find written concerning the first century church in the Bible. Our service includes a-cappella singing, the observance of the Lord’s Supper, giving, prayer and teaching of God’s Word.

Our Beliefs

The beliefs of a church are more than a checklist of beliefs to sign your name to. It is a Bible-defined lifestyle that is meant to be embraced. Therefore the beliefs that we hold to be central to the story of Jesus must also be central to our own story. Furthermore, while we believe it is essential for all people of God to share these basic core beliefs, it is equally imperative for all Christians to continue to live out these beliefs in their daily walk. The Bible is the sole basis of our beliefs. It provides understanding of how God can save us, fuels our faith and serves as our guide for daily living.


Faith in its simplest understanding is “belief.” It is a belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is also a belief that He is God’s son and that He continues to be the Savior of the world. However a deeper meaning of “faith” is “trust” and obedience based on that trust. Paul the apostle wrote that our standing with God is determined by faith “from beginning to end” (Romans 1:17). Trusting God isn’t easy. It’s something you have to learn to do, and it’s something you grow into. But it is our goal to be seen as that kind of people – bold and not fearful, a people who talk to God, listen to God through His word, and obey God because we trust He knows best and has our best interests at heart.


An expression of repentance is more than just feeling sorry for the wrong things you have done. It is literally running from sin and toward God. Repentance leads to changing the path of your life and choices in a way that draws you closer to God, which allows Him to change things in your life. (See Acts 17:30).


When anyone wishes to become a Christian, the Bible tells us that it is essential for them to “confess” that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (Romans 10:9-10). It is important to make public what one believes. However, one must also continue to be honest about his or her life and to be accountable to others within the church in their daily walk. The Bible admonishes us to “confess [our] sins to one another” (James 5:16), and we believe that in order to live out one’s life in the Kingdom it must be done honestly through confession

Baptism (Immersion)

In Jesus death, we find redemption (forgiveness of sins) (Acts 2:38; Ephesians 1:7), justification (Romans 5:9), and reconciliation (Romans 5:10). In short, we believe that in Christ’ death we are “redeemed” from the power of our sins, we are “made right” by and before God, and that we are “reconciled” to him. The Bible teaches that there is only one way to gain access into this grace. One must enter into the death burial and resurrection of Christ. This is done through immersion in water (Romans 6:3-4).

Marriage between a man and a woman was instituted by God with Adam and Eve. Genesis 2:24 states: “therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife and they become one flesh.” In Matthew 19:4-5, Jesus affirms this: “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning ‘the creator made them male and female,’ and said for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and will be united to his wife and the two will become one flesh.”

Times And Location

9:00 am – Worship
10:15 am – Coffee & Doughnut Fellowship
10:30 am – Sunday School
6:00 pm – Worship

7:00 pm – Bible Study

1917 Old Murfreesboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37217


We have Bible classes following our worship service for all ages. Class topic, and teachers, change on a quarterly basis.

Becoming A Member

The difference between “attenders” and “members” can be summed up in one word: commitment.

At the UNA Church of Christ, we welcome anyone who would like to participate in of our times of worship and fellowship, but in the end, we are hoping for something more – a long term commitment to the Lord and to His church. We realize that becoming a member of a church can be a big step, but there are several viable reasons it is important to identify with a local congregation:

  • A Biblical Reason
    The New Testament provides us with examples that show the early Christians belonged to both a local congregation of like-minded believers as well as Lord’s church that transcends time and location.
  • A Cultural Reason
    Committed membership is an antidote to our society. We live in an age when commitment appears to be a vanishing concept. While casual attendance is comfortable, commitment is required for success – not just for the church, but for individuals as well. Commitment is based upon the unselfish decision to put others first and builds the type of character we need to be an influence in today’s world.
  • A Practical Reason
    Membership is not unique to the church: All teams must have rosters, every school requires enrollment, and each army is determined by an enlistment. A commitment of membership helps us establish who can be counted on and identifies those who seriously desire to be part of our family.
  • A Spiritual Reason
    Commitment produces spiritual growth. The New Testament places a major emphasis on the need for Christians to be accountable to each other for spiritual growth. You cannot be accountable when you’re not committed to any specific church family.

Commitment is a major theme throughout the Bible. In fact, Jesus is so devoted to His church that He was willing to die for it. It is that type of absolute commitment that inspires us to stand up and be counted for Him.

How Do I Become A Member Of This Church?
One of the requirements for membership at the UNA Church of Christ is baptism by immersion. Baptism has been a vital part of Christian commitment from the beginning When the New Testament writer Luke observed, “So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls.” (Acts 2:41) we see that early Christians were added to the Lord’s church when they were baptized. After becoming a part of the Lord’s church, it is our hope that you will want to be a part of a local body of like-minded believers (a church) who worship and serve together.

If you are a believer of Jesus Christ but have never been baptized by immersion, we hope you will take that next step in your commitment to Him.

If you have been baptized and are looking for a church home we would like to visit with you about being a part of our local congregation. If you would like more information about membership, feel free to contact us. We would enjoy the opportunity to hear about your Christian walk and help you continue along in your spiritual journey.